2024-10-07 05:25
目录 英语七年级上册 Starter Unit 1 Hello! 1 Section A Sectic0nB… Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy! 3 Section A …3 Section B 4 Starter Unit 3 Nelcome! 5 Section A 5 Sectic0nB… 6 Unit 1 You and Me Section A (1a-2e) …7 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 9 Section B(1a-1d) 11 Section B(2a-3c). 13 单元话题写作 . 15 语篇综合素养提升 4中……………+””4”**………小 16 Unit 2 We're Family!… 17 Section A (1a-2e)........................: 17 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 19 Section B(la-ld)… 21 Section B (2a-3c) ................. 23 单元话题写作 25 语篇综合素养提升 26 Unit3】 My School…… 27 Section A (1a-2f) 27 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 29 Section B(1a-1d) 31 Section B(2a-3c) 33 单元话题写作 35 语篇综合素养提升 36 Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 37 Section A (1a-2f) 37 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 39 Section B(1a-1d) 41 Section B.(2a-3c). 43 单元话题写作 45 语篇综合素养提升 46 Unit 5 Fun Clubs 47 Section A (1a-2e) 47 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 49 Section B(1a-1d) 51 Section B(2a-3c) 53 单元话题写作 55 语篇综合素养提升 56 Unit 6 A Day in the Life 57 Section A(1a-2e)… 57 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 59 Section B(la-ld) 61 Section B(2a-3c) 63 单元话题写作 65 语篇综合素养提升 66 Unit7】 Happy Birthday! 67 Section A (1a-2e) 67 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 69 Section B(1a-ld)… 71 Section B(2a-3d) 73 单元话题写作 75 语篇综合素养提升 76 另配 答案解析Starter Unit 1 Hello! Starter Unit Hello! 一、根据字母表顺序,写出位于下列字母前后 same(相同的)19_,Class3,Grade(年级) 的字母(注意大小写)》 7.When we meet in the 20,I often say 1. E “Good morning!”and then ask“21 are 2. h you ”.He always answers“I'm fine..”In class, 3. the teacher asks him to_22_“time”.“T-I-M-E, 4.8 time."He does well.When class is 23,we u 5. go out and do sports in the playground.Listen! home. 二、选出下列字母的读音含有不同元音音素的 There goes the 24.It's time 25 So we go home together(一起). 一项 16.A.is B.are C.am D.be 6.A.H B.K C.G D.A 17.A.say B.call C.speak D.tell 7.A.P B.E C.V D.0 18.A.name B.book C.friend D.teacher 8.A.s B.i C.m D.x 19.A.school B.library 9.A.r B.b C.c D.t C.class D.city 10.A.F B.Y C.L D.N 20.A.afternoon B.morning 三、补全对话 C.evening D.night 根据下面的对话情境,在每个空白处填上 21.A.Who B.Where 一个适当的句子。 C.How D.Why A:Hello,Li Xiang.Good morning! 22.A.spell B.write C.read D.listen B:Hi,Peter.11. 23.A.good B.hard C.over D.fine A:12 7 24.A.bird B.bell C.clock D.bike B:I'm fine,thank you.And you 25.A.at B.for C.with D.in A:13. Oh,that's the bell. 五、阅读理解 It's time for class. 主题群 子主题 语篇类型 难度 B:14. 恰当的学习方法 生活与 A:OK.Goodbye. 与策略—词典 说明文 ★★★★★ 学习 B:15. 的使用 四、完形填空 新视野学习方法 主题群 子主题 语篇类型 难度 Using a dictionary 多彩、有意义的学校 DIt is very important for us to use a 生活与 生活—一与朋友在 记叙文 ★★★ dictionary when we study English. 学习 学校的生活 2When we read some news or passages in (原创)Good morning!I16 Wang English,we often meet some new words.We can Shengli.You can 17 me Shengli.I have a l ... ...

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